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NAPPANEE — If Disney put his stamp on a musical it has to be good. Right? Right!

And, so it is with “Freaky Friday,” currently on stage at Amish Acres Round Barn Theatre, Nappanee. It’s hilarious and proves to be a relaxing way to spend a couple of hours.

Katherine (Sarajane Mullins) is getting married. Her daughter, Ellie, (Megan Arrinton) wants to join her friends on the Hunt, a scavenger hunt, held for local high school students. Mom is a little uptight with all the wedding plans and the work involved. Ellie doesn’t understand, all she can think of is having fun and the fact her father is dead and she misses him. And, she has a crush on the Hunt master, Adam (Karter Dolan). Mom says, “No!” because the Hunt is on the same night as the wedding rehearsal dinner and the wedding is the next day.

It’s been several years since Ellie’s dad died. Katherine has moved on. Ellie doesn’t want another man in their lives.

Enter Mike (Travis Bird), the groom and Fletcher (Erin Amers), Katherine’s young son. Mike knows he’s not Ellie’s Dad and he also knows he can’t replace him. But, he loves Katherine and her children.

Then the magic happens and the two women switch bodies on “Freaky Friday.”

They were holding a giant magical hourglass and somehow pull it apart. With this comes the switch. Ellie becomes her Mom and is about to be married. Katherine is her daughter and is off to school.

Both Mullins and Arrinton show excellent talent. Bird and Amers add to the fun of the evening and turn in great performances.

The musical gets funnier and funnier as the two try to make it through the day. Ellie has to deal with last minute wedding plans. Katherine has to attend school and face her daughter, whom she finds has been skipping class.

Young Fletcher becomes upset and runs away. He plans to go to Hollywood and work with his puppets. He runs into Adam at the bus stop and is convinced it’s really not a good time for him to leave.

In the end, Ellie is allowed by Katherine to go on the Hunt and she convinces Adam to add the giant magical hourglass to the Hunt’s list. If someone can fine it maybe she and her Mom can switch back. At first Adam is reluctant. Then he gives in and puts the hourglass on the list. The giant magical hourglass is found but not without complications. Back at home the ladies finally return to be themselves and all is well that ends well.

Songs like, “Just One Day,” “Oh, Biology,” “I Got This,” “I’m Not Myself Today,” “Bring My Baby (Brother) Home” and “Today and Everyday,” add to the story line. All were written to fit specific scenes in the musical. All are done to perfection.

Ally Merrill, Anna Wentworth, Kathrine Searcy and Bonnie McGowan all add their own personal touches to the musical. Members of the ensemble are Adam Silorey, Jacob Clanton, Matty Reda, Tyler Price, Jamila Hunter, Eliana Spitler, David Kempher and Lauren Brendel. They each turn in top notch performances.

Freak Friday continues through July 14. For tickets call (800) 800-4942 or online at amish