Drug Take Back Initiative Partners In Kosciusko County Encourage Proper Disposal of Unwanted Medication

News Release

WARSAW — A primary youth substance use prevention strategy is proper disposal of unused prescription medication.

“Unused prescription drugs can find their way into the wrong hands for both youth and adults,” said the Kosciusko Coalition on Drug Education in a press release. “We applaud the efforts of individuals from across the country and right here in Kosciusko County who cleaned out their homes and turned in, safely and anonymously, a record amount of prescription drugs.”

The Drug Enforcement Administration sponsors nationwide “Prescription Drug Take Back” initiatives. The “Take Back” initiative seeks to prevent prescription drug misuse and theft through proper disposal of prescription drugs.

Prescription drug drop-off boxes are permanently placed in locations throughout Kosciusko County. Area residents are encouraged to safely dispose of prescription medications during the “Prescription Drug Take Back” and throughout the year.

Photo provided by K-CODE.

K-CODE manages the Kosciusko County Prescription Drug Drop-Off Box initiative in partnership with:

  • Kosciusko Cares
  • Kosciusko Drug Free Coalition
  • Kosciusko County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office
  • Kosciusko County Coroner’s Office
  • Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Office
  • Silver Lake Police Department
  • Winona Lake Police Department
  • Milford Police Department
  • Syracuse Police Department.

“The Kosciusko County Coroner’s Office is involved with the devastating and permanent outcomes of the opioid epidemic. My office is committed to partnering with K-CODE and other agencies and partners in the proper disposal of prescription medications. This program saves lives,” said Kosciusko County Coroner Tyler Huffer.

During the months of November 2023 through April 2024, Kosciusko County residents properly disposed of 864.5 pounds of medication through the initiative. The total amount of properly disposed medication through the Kosciusko County Prescription Drug Drop-Off Box initiative “is an astounding 4,665 pounds and countless lives that may have been saved,” said the press release.

Drop box locations for proper disposal of prescription medications:

  • Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Office, 221 W. Main St., Warsaw
  • Claypool, 408 S. Graceland Ave., Claypool
  • Pierceton Police Department, 207 N 1st St, Pierceton
  • Mentone Police Department, 201 W Main St, Mentone
  • Milford Police Department, 121 S Main St, Milford
  • Silver Lake Police Department, 604 N. Jefferson St., Silver Lake
  • Syracuse Police Department, 310 N. Huntington St., Syracuse
  • Warsaw Police Department, 2191 E Fort Wayne St., Warsaw
  • Winona Lake Fire Department, 1000 Kings Hwy., Winona Lake
  • Kosciusko County Coroner’s Office – 1275 W Lake St., Warsaw

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