Warsaw Student Intern Learns A Lot About Adaptability At Small Company

Noah Van Puffelen, Phil Mercier
Pictured are Noah Van Puffelen, left, Warsaw Area Career Center intern, and his supervisor, Phil Mercier, president of OsteoShape. Photo provided.
News Release

WARSAW — Noah Van Puffelen is working as an intern at OsteoShape through the Warsaw Area Career Center’s Work-Based Learning program offered by Warsaw Community Schools.

Van Puffelen is the son of Ryan and Kelli Van Puffelen. He plans to attend Indiana University in the fall and pursue a degree from the Kelley School of Business. He hopes to major in marketing and minor in real estate.

What are your job responsibilities? “At work I do everything from making bones to dentures,” said Van Puffelen. “Along with that I tend to do some cleaning and taking out the trash at OsteoShape. My responsibilities greatly differ based on the day and what’s needed. OsteoShape is a small company, which has allowed me to learn many different job skills and responsibilities.”

How has this position been helpful to you? “This position has been helpful in many ways,” he said. “First off, it has helped me put away some money for college, which has been nice and stress relieving. It has also helped me enjoy my days more. I look forward to going to work and having a break in the middle of the day instead of going to all seven periods at high school.”

What have you learned? “I have learned a lot about how to cast, hand-piece and communicate. Before going to OsteoShape I had no clue how to do anything when it came to casting and hand-piecing. But here I am nearly seven months later advanced in both.”

How is this job preparing you for the future? “I think this job has helped me learn to be adaptable. At OsteoShape, it is never the same thing. Every day is different, which forces you to grow and learn to adapt better. With me wanting to pursue real estate you never know what the buyer is going to want or what listing is going to come across your desk so being ready for whatever comes your way is a skill that I have learned and will be applicable in the future.”

What do you like about this job? “I enjoy getting to meet people on a personal level,” said Van Puffelen. “With OsteoShape being a smaller company, I get to see every person every week if not daily, which has provided a unique chance to learn more about others and hear about their lives.”

What Career Center classes have you taken in your pathway? “Principles of Business Management, Accounting Fundamentals, Marketing Fundamentals.”


Phil Mercier, president of OsteoShape, is supervising Van Puffelen during his internship.

What duties does this student perform? “Assists with production.”

How is this job preparing this student for the future? “Learning to make things by hand and become a good teammate to others,” Mercier said.

What do you think of the WACC Work-Based Learning program? “We enjoy having students work with our team.”

Why were you willing to partner with the WACC in this program? “We receive disciplined workers and enjoy helping young people experience a business environment,” said Mercier.

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