May Students Of The Month Named At Whitko Schools

News Release

LARWILL — The following students were named students of the month for May at Whitko Community Schools.

Costanza Milazzotto

Whitko Senior High’s student of the month is Costanza Milazzotto.

“Costanza brings a positive and enthusiastic energy to class every day,” said teacher Mike Howard. “She is always smiling and is a joy for her classmates to be around, works hard every day to do her best and gets as much out of every lifting session as possible.”

Milazzotto is a junior exchance student at Whitko Junior-Senior High School.

Braewynn Neer

Braewynn Neer is Whitko Junior High’s student of the month.

“Breawynn always gives 100%,” said teacher Rochelle Leininger of the seventh-grader. “She asks questions when she does not understand and leads by example.”

Audra Brandenburg

The Whitko Career Academy student of the month is Audra Brandenburg.

Amy Nicodemus nominated the senior. She said, “Audra is an incredible example of all that we can hope for in a student who is graduating after having completed all aspects of the courses offered through our Medical Health Sciences pathways. Audra has worked at Peabody Retirement Community as a certified nurse aide this school year through our Capstone Program, providing compassionate and conscientious care. She delivered a presentation detailing her Capstone experience during our Showcase event with professionalism and poise, representing herself and her school in an exemplary manner.”

Dorothy Mynhier

Dorothy Mynhier is South Whitley Elementary School’s student of the month.

“Dorothy is a joy to have in class,” said kindergarten teacher Anna Busz. “She comes to school each day with a smile on her face and is ready to learn. She does her very best at everything she does. Dorothy has such a gift of being able to think outside the box and problem solve. She never backs down from a challenge and does so with a smile on her face. Dorothy not only is an excellent student but she is also a great friend. Dorothy is such a bright light and will continue to do great things.”

Sammy Lopshire

Pierceton Elementary School’s student of the month is Sammy Lopshire.

“I am delighted to recognize Sammy Lopshire as Pierceton Elementary School’s student of the month,” teacher Cheri Bryan said. “Sammy loves coming to school every day. He is respectful to all staff and peers, has increased his conversational skills and enjoys greeting adults in the hallway daily. He has a natural ability for math, with a propensity for learning math beyond his level. As a second-grader, he has advanced all the way to fifth-grade sight words. Sammy is affectionate, has a great sense of humor and loves using blocks to create his favorite monster, Godzilla. We are very proud of Sammy and his achievements and truly love having him in our classroom family.”

Emma Anderson

Emma Anderson is Whitko Early Learning Center’s student of the month.

“Emma is a great friend and helper in the classroom,” said Little ‘Cats teacher Katie Bromley. “She is always willing to go the extra mile and is a great leader for others.”

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