Fifty-Three Named To Academic Hall Of Fame

ACADEMIC HALL OF FAME — This year, 53 seniors were honored in the academic hall of fame. These students earned a cumulative GPA of 10.0 or higher over 10 semesters.
Shown in the front row are Talan Ball, Morgan Anderson, Adaline Haynes, Haylee Allen, Chloe Rodgerson, Summit Shaw, Olivia Siri, Senate Shaw, Allison Clark, Chloe Linder, Kaydnece Shepherd, Sophia Rush, Kylie Perkins, Delaina Avery, Lilly Coy, Allyssa Perkins, Kasey Becola and Mya Taylor.
In the middle row are Layna Avila, Brooklyn Gibson, Emma Yoder, Zachary Ringler, Stone Shipley, Ty Brooks, Caleb Wiseman, Mason Shoemaker, Samantha Rose, Windsor Bonner, Kenley Stewart, Sara Timmons, McKenna Clay, Libby Haab, Emma Jackson, Anthony Brace and Titus Taylor.
In the back row are Elliette Pulley, Emma Young, Kamren Voss, Kayla Voss, Landen Kessler, Joshua Lesko, Daniel Wilson, Weston DeLong, Nathan Harper, Lucas Linder, Grant Krull, Lynk Klinefelter, Madalyn Loftis, Kaylie Frayer, John Hoy, Donovan Blair and James Pearson.
Not pictured is Emma Lowery. Photo by Lauren Zeugner.
By Lauren Zeugner

SYRACUSE — Fifty-three seniors, including four sets of twins, were honored at Wawasee High School’s annual Academic Hall of Fame banquet Thursday night, April 25.

Those being honored had achieved a cumulative GPA of 10.0 or higher at the end of the 10th semester on Wawasee’s 12 point scale.

“Students, you’ve dedicated countless hours on your studies and projects while balancing after school activities and part-time jobs,” said teacher Paula Fiscus.

Fiscus spoke of her own experience attending the banquet first as a student, then as a mother, and as an honored teacher.

Along with their parents, each student was encouraged to choose a teacher or staff member from all levels of their education to recognize as a person who had a major impact on their life.

Noting 53 will go down in Warrior History, Fiscus told the students, “You exemplify what it means to be a warrior.”

Geoff Walmer, principal, greeted the crowd.

“The teachers that are here, who work at Wawasee High School, they know I think they are amazing,” he said. “Those who don’t work here, how amazing is it they (the students) reached back to middle school and elementary school?”

John Snyder, assistant principal, said, “Thank you to everyone who is here. When I look around the room, we remember you as freshmen. We were coming out of COVID. We challenged you… you did great things.”

Each student was then called up to be presented with their plaque. It was also an opportunity for them to present the teacher or staff member they invited with an award.

Walmer closed out the evening addressing the students being honored.

“I often struggle when I refer to you or others refer to you as students. You are human beings just as I am. You have incredible gifts and talents in certain ways that are far beyond any gift or talent I have…

“The reason I share this is for you to always remember that of others. While I have the title of principal and you may view me that way, I too, am a human being just trying to make the best of my time here. The educator sitting next to you is also a human being just trying to do their best during their time on this earth.

“As you proceed in the coming years, remain humble in your approach. Be thankful for your gifts and talents and recognize the gifts and talents in others and encourage them.

“While you’ve each proven yourself to be strong in your academics, I challenge you to combine that with the humbleness that is just as admired, an attitude of encouraging and supporting others that is admired as much as your academic success.

“When you combine your gifts, talents and strong work ethic with this humbleness and approach to life, you will be the change in whatever community you are in that is so desperately needed.

“Lastly, parents, guardians and educators in this room, job well done. It takes a village to raise a child as we all know and everyone sitting in this room was a key contributor to the village of each honored senior this evening.”

The Academic Hall of Fame banquet was prepared and served by members of the Wawasee Culinary Arts program. The potted petunias that served as centerpieces on the tables were grown in the school greenhouse.

The Academic Hall of Fame banquet was fully funded by local sponsors this year: Ace Hardware, North Webster; Ace Pest Control Inc.; Bass Audiology; Bud’s Body Shop; Crossroads Bank; Culver Family Foundation; Knights of Columbus No. 6323; Lakeland Kiwanis Club; Northern Lakes Realty; Syracuse Hardware; and The Papers Inc.

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