Veterans ‘Recognized As Our Local Heroes’ At Threads Of Valor Ceremony

At Liberty Sewing Circle’s Threads of Valor ceremony on Tuesday, May 14, at the Pete Thorn Center in Warsaw, 11 Kosciusko County veterans were honored and received quilts. They included in the front from left Adam Aguilar, Forrest Kantner, Steven Shumaker, James Gast and Roger Studebaker. In the back row are Roger King, William “Bud” Long, Kenneth Wolf Jr., Dale Campbell, David Oberg and Kenneth Reed.
Text and Photos
By Leah Sander

WARSAW — Eleven Kosciusko County veterans were “recognized … as our local heroes” on Tuesday, May 14.

Marsha Huffman made that comment about them during Liberty Sewing Circle’s Threads of Valor ceremony. The local sewing group presented quilts to the veterans at the Pete Thorn Center in Warsaw.

Huffman, who serves as the coordinator for Liberty Sewing Circle, noted it was the 17th such event the group has had.

She noted the veterans honored had “set aside their civilian lives, left the comforts of home and answered the call of duty to this great nation.”

“These courageous cornerstones of our community put on a uniform, many risking life and limb in the face of great dangers, to the service of our country, protecting the ideals of America of liberty, freedom and justice, which we have the benefits of today,” said Huffman. “We must never forget the untold sacrifices that they have endured for us and around the world.”

“They and their military brothers and sisters as well as those who have gone on before have shaped America into what it is today,” she continued. “They represent the foundation of this country. They are the pillars of this society.”

“We recognize our guests of honor for their achievements, courage and dedication, and say ‘Thank you for your service and your sacrifice,'” said Huffman. “These veterans being honored today come from all walks of life, but they all share several fundamental qualities: they possess courage, pride, determination, dedication to duty and integrity. All are qualities needed to serve a cause greater than one’s self.”

“They rose and stood at that call of duty to protect and defend our great nation as well as the world against tyranny and oppression,” she added.

Among the veterans honored Tuesday was Army veteran Dale Campbell of Leesburg. Campbell, who served from 1994 to 2015, received his quilt from his mother Juanita Campbell, a member of Liberty Sewing Circle.

Others veterans receiving quilts were: Marine veteran Adam Aguilar of North Webster, who served from 2008 to 2015; Army veteran James Gast of Warsaw, who served from 1968 to 1970; Army veteran Forrest Kantner of Mentone, who served from 1953 to 1955; Army and Army National Guard veteran Roger King of Milford, who served from 1983 to 1992 and 2001 to 2012; Army and Army National Guard veteran William “Bud” Long of Pierceton, who served over periods from 1969 to 2009; Air Force veteran David Oberg of Leesburg, who served from 1967 to 1971; Army veteran Kenneth Reed of Etna Green, who served from 2008 to 2014; Army veteran Steven Shumaker of Warsaw, who served from 1967 to 1977; Marine veteran Roger Studebaker of Pierceton, who served from 1969 to 1970; and Army veteran Kenneth Wolf Jr. of Mentone, who served from 1990 to 2011.



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