Lakeland Christian Academy Honors Three 2024 Graduates

News Release

WINONA LAKE — Lakeland Christian Academy has named Adrian Bowdler and Jordan Rogers as this year’s Timothian Award recipients and Amaya Hoyt as this year’s Cougar Excellence Award recipient.

In lieu of the traditional valedictorian and salutatorian, Lakeland Christian Academy honors graduates with these two awards that take into consideration attitude, leadership, resiliency, interpersonal relationships and academics. These awards represent what LCA defines as an excellent student and represents the best qualities of an LCA education, going beyond what a GPA may represent, according to a news release.

Timothian Award

Adrian Bowdler
Adrian Bowdler

Each year, the faculty and senior class of Lakeland Christian Academy choose a senior to receive the Timothian Award. The award is unique to Lakeland Christian Academy and is given to the senior who best exemplifies Paul’s advice to Timothy in First Timothy 4:12 which says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.”  The LCA class of 2024 Timothians are Adrian Bowdler and Jordan Rogers.

Adrian is the son of Jeannine Bowdler. He attends Christ’s Covenant Church. His high school activities have included Student Senate, varsity soccer, SWAT and band. He enjoys working with his church youth group and worship team and playing the flute. Adrian plans to attend Grace College to study pastoral ministries.

Jordan Rogers
Jordan Rogers

Jordan is the daughter of Matthew and Kim Rogers. She attends First Christian Church. Her high school activities have included volleyball, SWAT, National Honor Society, theater, starting the Youth for Life club this year, and acting as a teaching assistant. She enjoys serving with her church worship team and children’s ministry, playing games and anything involving Mexican food. Jordan plans to attend Ozark Christian College to study Christian ministries.

Cougar Excellence Award

The LCA Cougar Excellence Award is the highest award that LCA bestows upon a graduate. The recipient of this award represents the best qualities of an LCA education. To receive this award a student must have completed all credits required for a Core 40 education and must have attended LCA for at least two years. Students are considered for this honor based on 11 different areas which include: spiritual, critical thinking, leadership, academics, foreign language, fine arts, extracurriculars, resilienc

Amaya Hoyt
Amaya Hoyt

e, interpersonal, attendance and challenging coursework. Lakeland teachers have scored each senior in these areas to determine the recipient. The Lakeland Christian Academy Cougar Excellence Award recipient is Amaya Hoyt. As the recipient of the Cougar Excellence Award, Amaya will receive a $2,000 scholarship toward her college education.

Amaya is the daughter of Jeff and Denise Hoyt. She attends Warsaw Community Church. Her high school activities over the years have included Student Senate, National Honor Society, SWAT, playing volleyball and basketball, and acting as a teaching assistant in the Joshua Class. She enjoys playing guitar and piano and volunteers in the nursery at her church. Amaya plans to attend Taylor University to study social work.

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