Sign-up for WACF Trivia Night

News Release

SYRACUSE — Sign up is underway for the Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation Trivia Night at 7 p.m. Thursday June 20.

The event will be held at the WACF Ruddell Pavilion, 11586 SR 13, Syracuse. There will be a cash bar and food. The attire will be nautical themed.

Gather a group of family, friends, co-workers and participate through the various levels of sponsorships.

Sponsor opportunities include:

A $2,000 Watershed sponsorship includes a table of eight, recognition on social media and WACF website, tailored presentation for the company on native plants, wetland ecosystems or environmental topics and preferred logo placement on event presentation.

A $1,500 Conservation sponsor provides a table of eight, recognition on social media and WACF website, logo placement on the event presentation and eight WACF shirts.

A $750 Wetland sponsor will be a table of eight, recognition on social media and WACF website and logo placement on event presentation.

A $250 tributary sponsor receives one table of eight and recognition on social media and WACF website.

A $125 table includes one table of four.

Sponsorship deadline is Friday, June 4. Contact Emily Maggart, development officer at [email protected] or call (574) 457-4549.

The trivia questions for the evening will include general questions along with some specific to the area and the lake.

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