Warsaw Chapter Of AAUW Installs New President

Monica Smith, Elisa McPherson , Marsha Cook, Judy Becker, Deb Blatz
Pictured are officers for the Warsaw Chapter of the American Association of University Women, including Monica Smith, Elisa McPherson, Marsha Cook, Judy Becker and Deb Blatz. Photo provided.
News Release

WARSAW — The Warsaw Chapter of the American Association of University Women met at the Palette Restaurant on Saturday, May 18.

Monica Smith called the meeting together at 9:48 a.m. Smith thanked the members for their support during her term in office.

Elisa McPherson was installed as president and Marsha Cook as co-president-elect. McPherson will serve as president for a term of two years.

Ruth Jones and June Stahley will begin putting together the annual membership booklet. Members were asked to tell Stahley about any changes and program ideas for next year. It was decided that the silent auction would be held at the October meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting were read. McPherson moved to approve the minutes, and Rosemary Parker seconded it. It passed.

Cindy Norton read the treasurer’s report. Renatta Erwin made a motion to approve the report, and Judy Becker seconded it. It passed.

The annual garage sale will be held at 506 S. Colfax St., Warsaw. It will be Thursday and Friday, May 30-31. Members are asked to bring their donations the weekend before. The price should be marked. Members signed up for the times they will be working. The garage sale profits are used to fund the annual scholarship for women pursuing their education in a nontraditional manner.

McPherson announced there would be an executive committee meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 17, at Martin’s grocery.

Smith, Deb Blatz and Parker won the door prizes.

Smith made a motion to adjourn, and Blatz seconded it. It passed.

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