Ohio River Vision And Strategic Plan Unveiled For Evansville Region Riverfronts

A rendering of proposed additions along the Ohio River. Rendering provided by Evansville Regional Economic Partnership.
News Release

EVANSVILLE – The Evansville Regional Economic Partnership, regional stakeholders, and Sasaki today unveiled proposed developments for the Ohio River Vision and Strategic Plan at a community event and open house.

Covering 50 miles and shaped by the input of thousands of regional residents, these plans embody a collective vision for vibrant, inclusive, and thriving riverfronts designed to attract residents, businesses, and visitors to the Evansville region.

“Regional residents have expressed their desire for a stronger connection to the river for almost a century—since Evansville’s first master plan in 1928,” said Lloyd Winnecke, CEO of the Evansville Regional Economic Partnership. “Today, we celebrate the beginning of a transformative journey toward more vibrant and connected riverfronts across our region.”

The kick-off unveiling spotlighted Downtown Evansville’s riverfront, as well as plans for Downtown Mount Vernon and Newburgh. The plan underscores the importance of regional collaboration for the enhancement of the Evansville Region’s riverfronts. It outlines a prioritization schedule for implementing projects, programs, policies, and partnerships crucial to bringing the plan to life. Additionally, the plan encompasses community outreach findings and resident feedback, financial modeling, proposed funding sources, a parking supply and demand study, guidance on traffic and transportation needs, and hydrological information for effective flood management along the Ohio River.

“Working on the Ohio River Vision and Strategic Plans has been a privilege. Our team has diligently merged innovative design concepts with sustainable practices, crafting a blueprint for a riverfront that honors Evansville’s heritage while embracing its future,” said Anna Cawrse, Principal Landscape Architect at Sasaki.

The plan was funded by the State of Indiana’s READI grant program, which focuses on increasing activation and investment in Indiana’s communities, economy, and exceptional quality of place resources, such as the Ohio River. More information about READI can be found at indianareadi.com.

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