Lechlitner has willing heart to share Jesus Christ with young people

By Laurie Lechlitner
Jonah Lechlitner, Warsaw, loves the young people at his church. As youth director, it’s his job to structure the youth program at Liberty Mills Church of the Brethren. He also has the privilege of watching those in the youth group walk with Jesus. Photo provided by Jonah Lechlitner.

WARSAW — “I’m nobody special,” stated Jonah Lechlitner, Warsaw. “I’m just a person with a willing heart that said, ‘Yes!’ to God. I’m ministering to help kids. It’s incredibly fulfilling to guide young people at this crucial time. I have a passion to share Jesus Christ with them, so they can experience peace and joy in these conflicted and confusing times.”

Lechlitner grew up at Liberty Mills Church of the Brethren. “I’d just graduated from Manchester University with a music major and was working full time at Maple Leaf Farms. Liberty Mills COB called and asked me if I’d be willing to fill in as youth director on a volunteer basis. At first, I told them I wasn’t interested.”

After he went home and prayed about it, Lechlitner decided to try it. “I said I’d fill in until they hired a permanent person.”

The church interviewed several applicants but couldn’t find anyone they wanted in place of Lechlitner. “They offered me the paid position and I took it.”

It’s his responsibility to structure the youth program. “I teach the youth Sunday school class. I lead and host Sunday evening youth meetings. I’m also in charge of planning our trips and activities.”

When he first took the position in the summer of 2021, the Church of the Brethren youth had a conference every four years in Colorado. “Then we had to contend with packing and plane tickets.”

For the past two years, Lechlitner has taken the young people to the Momentum Youth Conference. “It’s every year, but much closer. It’s held at Indiana Wesleyan University.”

One of the things that’s incredibly rewarding to Lechlitner is watching the young people learn and grow. “I know what a personal relationship with Jesus Christ has done in my own life. I love watching my young people walk with him. I enjoy watching them get into the Bible and surveying their expressions when things click, and they finally understand something new.”

Pastoring a youth group is not without challenges. “I have a passion to serve these young people. Although I may not be the most organized, I make up for it by caring deeply. I’m on call 24/7. If one of my kids needs me in the middle of the night, I’m there for them.”

When asked if it’s a handicap serving in a church where the people have known him all his life, Lechlitner remarked, “We have a very supportive church family. They are very accommodating of the decisions I make.”

Lechlitner cannot stress enough how important it is for young people to walk with Jesus. “Today’s youth have challenges in their everyday lives that those in the past may not have struggled with. It’s a very confusing and unsettling time. But I see that our kids who put their faith and trust in Jesus possess a peace and a hope for the future that many other young people do not have.”

Since his youth ministry is only part time, Lechlitner is also a program director for LifeWise Academy. More information about LifeWise can be found at lifewise.org. “I’m passionate about sharing Jesus Christ with young people. I believe Bible study is important for students of all ages.”

Lechlitner’s hobbies include playing board games with family and friends. He also plays the euphonium and loves music.

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