Milford Turns Out To Observe Memorial Day

Pastor Stephen Wilson, chaplain for American Legion Post 226, was the featured speaker for Milford’s Memorial Day Observance on Monday, May 27. Ron Klotz, left, is with the national colors while Daniel Schwab is with the state flag. Photo by Lauren Zeugner.
By Lauren Zeugner

MILFORD — A light mist and cool temperatures could not keep Milford residents away from a parade. Folks turned out early to find the best spot to watch the annual Memorial Day parade as traveled down Main Street earlier today, Monday, May 27.

The parade, lead by a color guard from American Legion Post 226, stopped at Milford Town Hall for a brief ceremony which included a gun volley and the playing of taps by David Stump.

The candy flew to delighted children as emergency vehicles from several agencies, town departments and various organizations traveled the parade route. One very special little girl even received balloons as a member of the Milford Fire Department hopped out of his fire truck to present them. The Milford Food Bank handed out stuffed animals along with other treats.

After the parade, a large crowd traveled to Milford Cemetery as American Legion Post 226 hosted Memorial Day observances. Gary Hurd, Todd Haines as well as members of Wawasee Community Bible Church put in several hours maintaining the cemetery so it looked nice for Memorial Day.

Stephen Wilson, chaplain of Post 226 and pastor of the Christian Church of Milford, was the featured speaker. “We do parades, we do honors, we shoot guns, we play Taps,” he said about honoring those who are remembered on Memorial Day.

“It is the solemnity that we bring to this that makes it memorable,” he said. He suggested the best way to honor those who fought and died for our country’s freedoms was to live that freedom.

“It’s an election year and it’s so easy to forget what brings us together as Americans,” Wilson told the crowd. “Remember those who served by simply being decent to those you disagree with.”

Wilson said a prayer, recited a roll call of the dead. There was then a firing party which fired three volleys. Stump played Taps and the Wawasee High School Marching Band closed out the service by playing the national anthem.

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