North Webster Honors Fallen Heroes On Memorial Day

North Webster American Legion Post 253 held a brief ceremony at Webster Cemetery following the town’s annual Memorial Day Parade. Pictured are Sergeant at Arms Terry Snyder, left, accepting a wreath from Adjutant Kim Pulsipher. The wreath was then laid in memory of those from North Webster who died in service to their country. Behind them is Legion Post Commander Cat Bowers, who led the event. Photos by Keith Knepp.
By Keith Knepp

NORTH WEBSTER — The rainy, cool weather on Memorial Day likely helped bring some people off the lake and on to the streets of North Webster for the annual holiday parade and ceremony at Webster Cemetery.

The parade was headed by members of the North Webster American Legion, who led holding the colors. It was followed by first responder vehicles from the North Webster Police Department, Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Office and Tippecanoe Township Fire Territory and EMS. Also marching were members of North Webster Boy Scout Troop 726 and Cub Scouts Pack 3726, as well as the Wawasee Middle School Marching Band.

Following the brief parade, many people gathered at Webster Cemetery for a presentation by the American Legion. Commander Cat Bowers let the gathering in the Pledge of Allegiance before the WMS played its rendition of the National Anthem. After a prayer by the Legion’s chaplain, a wreath was presented and laid by Adjutant Kim Pulsipher and Sergeant at Arms Terry Snyder. Pulsipher also read the names of veterans from North Webster who gave their lives in service to their country.

Russ Chandler also offered a stirring rendition of “Proud to be an American.”

To conclude the ceremony members of the American Legion Guard performed a 21-gun salute prior to the playing of Taps.

Bowers dismissed the crowd, inviting everyone to the North Webster Community Center for a picnic lunch, which included hot dogs, chips, baked beans, cake and lemonade.

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