Volunteer shares her love of crafting with seniors

Kathy Stephens-Hawke
By Laurie Lechlitner

ROCHESTER — “I started crafting when I was a teenager,” stated Kathy Stephens-Hawke, Rochester. “I was a bit of a hippy and enjoyed creating bead jewelry, belts and headbands. Now I share my love of crafting with senior citizens at the Community Center through Council on Aging. Coming up with craft ideas keeps me motivated and my mind occupied. I make many friends with those who come to create with me.”

Hawke has volunteered as the craftsperson at the Community Center since August 2021.

“My sister Lisa Byers is the activity director at the COA. I came onboard to help her. When I started, we did a crafting class once a month. Now we have open craft days three times a week in the winter and two times a week in the summer. I still do once a month craft classes, where we work together on seasonal and special craft items.”

The special classes are held on the third Thursday of the month from 9:30-11:30 a.m. “In June we are livestreaming a painting class with Bob Ross. I’m not much of a painter, so I’ll be learning right alongside those taking the class.”

Some of the regular crafts offered on open craft days, which in the summer months are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11:30 a.m. are diamond painting and ceramic painting. There’s also artificial flowers and other donated items crafters can use to create their own masterpieces.

“Last year a lady who had previously owned a ceramic shop in North Carolina donated all her fired ceramic items. Many of our people love painting and decorating them.”

One of the things Hawke keeps in mind when working with seniors is to custom the craft for people who may suffer from arthritis or other mobility issues. “Those with arthritis might have trouble cutting or sewing. But generally, those who attend are able to do most things. Sometimes people with dementia come in with their caregivers, who help them with the project we are working on that day.”

Having a son who cuts her wood projects for her is a real plus. “Last year at Easter we created a triple wood cross with nails. It was such a popular project that we did a patriotic cross in June to display for the 4th of July. We used stencils for the stars.”

Something Hawke stresses to her crafters is that they are to come up with their own ideas and designs. “Their project does not have to look like mine. Some of the people add their own unique touches and their projects are excellent and original.”

Since Hawke is a senior herself, she remarks that she’s basically hanging out with friends at the Community Center. “We have a relaxing time together. I’ll play some background music while we work. Some may be painting ceramics or working on their diamond art. We make new friends as others come to join us. It’s not only relaxing but therapeutic.”

Before retirement, Hawke also had an interesting life. She lived in Australia for 15 years where Hawke and her husband Patrick owned a bakery together. She was also involved in a construction company in Fulton County and has designed a couple houses in the area.

“Come join our COA activities. You’ll have fun and are sure to come back.”

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