Four-Way Ambulance Service To Cease Operations May 31

News Release

MENTONE — Four-Way Ambulance Service is ceasing operations on Friday, May 31.

That’s according to a press release sent out by the volunteer service based in Mentone.

The release is below:

“After 51 years of continuous service to our community, it is with great disappointment and regret that your Four-Way Ambulance Service will no longer be able to provide emergency medical services. At this time, we do not have a viable solution to continue the service.

Our last effective day of service will be midnight May 31, 2024. Until that date, we will continue to be of service to our community. After that date, please continue to call 911 for emergencies and the dispatch will coordinate the available medical response.

We have sought many different options to continue the ambulance service, and as of now, we have not been successful.  Ultimately as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, we cannot sustain the financial requirements to meet the needs in providing the level of service required for the community emergency ambulance service and medical needs.

With the decline in volunteerism and the need to provide funding to maintain medical personnel on staff, required increases in medical supplies, operating expenses and ambulance maintenance, we have depleted our resources.

We can’t fully express our deep gratitude to our past and current staff, board of directors and our supporters for all their efforts during the Four-Way Ambulance Service to the community.

Thank you again for the 51 years of support.

The Board of Directors
Four-Way Ambulance Service”

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