Warsaw Class Of 2024 Praised For Being ‘Resilient’

Text, Photos and Videos
By Leah Sander

WARSAW — The Warsaw Community High School Class of 2024 has been celebrated for being “resilient.”

WCHS Principal Troy Akers made that comment during his speech at the Class of 2024’s graduation on Friday, May 31, at Fisher Field. Five hundred and thirty-one students are part of the class.

Akers noted class members were the first ones to start their high school careers in fall 2020 after the COVID-19 pandemic started.

“This evening, we highlight your high school achievements and honor your incredible resilience through a time of adversity and uncertainty,” he said.

“Throughout high school, you’ve encountered numerous challenges, faced setbacks and overcome obstacles,” Akers continued. “Yet through it all, you’ve demonstrated the courage to persevere and to keep moving forward despite the odds.”

“The shadow of the pandemic loomed, and it cast uncertainty over the start of your high school years. Yet you adapted and emerged stronger than before,” he said.

Akers said the Class of 2024 had to deal with “multiple grade level counselors and principals (with) each transition bringing its own set of uncertainty.”

“But amidst the chaos you found the stability and support in the guiding hands of a few very important people,” said Akers, referring to high school staff members.

He then mentioned a less stressful challenge graduates dealt with very recently: the prom tent blowing down on Friday, May 17.

“You also tackled academic hurdles head-on, from the new SAT requirements to the construction process disrupting your learning environment,” said Akers. “Yet each time you rose to the occasion, excelling in academics, AP and dual-credit courses, meeting pathway credentials, community partnerships, all of the programs and processes of the WACC (Warsaw Area Career Center), Gateway (Education Center) and distance education requirements and earning scholarships and certifications along the way.”

Akers also referenced the Class of 2024’s extracurricular endeavors, including the girls’ rugby team recently winning state.

“As you embark on the next chapter of your journey, remember the lessons you’ve learned, the challenges you’ve overcome and the resilience you’ve demonstrated,” he said. “The road ahead, it’s going to have obstacles, and it will have detours, but I have no doubt that you will face them with the same courage and determination and resilience that has brought you to this moment tonight.”

“So for the resilient Class of 2024, I leave you with this: embrace challenges, have faith in yourself, trust your abilities and dream big. Warsaw Community High School will always be your home. You’ve got this,” concluded Akers.





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