Milford High School Alumni Gather For 99th Reunion

Alumni Association President Ron Baumgartner holds up a Milford High School cap.
Text and Photos
By Marissa Sweatland

MILFORD — Members of the Milford Alumni Association came together Saturday, June 8, for the 99th Milford High School alumni banquet. Out of the nearly 300 invites sent, about 65 Trojan alums, spouses, friends and family members filled the cafeteria of Milford School for a night of good food, conversation, trips down memory lane and a passionate rendition of the Milford High School Song led by Jim Moore, Vicki DeMao and Joellen Free.

Alumni Association President Ron Baumgartner, class of 1962, welcomed all the Trojan alums to the banquet. After the warm welcome, Nelson Beer lead the invocation, thanking God for everyone’s safe travels to the evening’s banquet.

Alums were then dismissed to a buffet-style dinner, cooked by Milford School cafeteria staff members Jessica Murray and Sally Riggs. Dinner consisted of fried chicken, ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls and a chewy brownie. Traditionally, the banquet was catered by Penguin Point, but due to the restaurant’s recent closure, Milford School cafeteria staff stepped in to feed the alums.

After a review of the alumni association’s finances by Mary Duncan, Margaret Brooks provided a necrology report for the past year. The report included the names of the 17 Trojan alums who died since last year’s banquet.

This year’s honored classes were 1949, which did not have a representative in attendance; 1954, represented by Frank Grove; 1959, represented by Eugene Lange and Nelson Beer; and 1964, represented by Earleen Fisher. The evening was highlighted by a featured speaker and master of ceremonies, Peg Zimmerman.

Zimmerman is a Milford native and current educator within the Wawasee Community School Corporation. She is a Ball State University and PFW alum and received a master’s degree in education through Bethel University. She is married to John Zimmerman and they share two children, Cameron and Madison. Zimmerman started teaching in Milford in 2002 and has moved around within the school district “wherever her skills where needed.”

“You do not appreciate Milford until you experience other things. What I mean by that is that I have given my children wings, we have been all over the place,” Zimmerman said. “But there is Milford in both of them. We can never forget where we came from as we go forward. There is something about Milford that stays with you no matter where you go.”

The 100th annual Milford High School Alumni Banquet will be Saturday, June 14, 2025, in the cafeteria of Milford School.

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