Pierceton Officer Ashley Jones Recognized By FBI For Assisting With Interstate Threat Investigation

Pierceton Police Officer Ashley Jones receives a letter of commendation from Town Marshal Jim Bumbaugh for her work alongside the FBI in investigating an interstate threat. InkFreeNews photo by Liz Adkins.
By Liz Adkins

PIERCETON — Pierceton Police Officer Ashley Jones was recently recognized by the FBI for her assistance in investigating a criminal matter involving an Illinois man who allegedly communicated an interstate threat.

During a Pierceton Town Council meeting on June 10, Town Marshal Jim Bumbaugh presented Jones with a letter of commendation for her work.

On May 25, Bumbaugh received an e-mail from Jay Griffin, a special agent with the Joint Terrorism Task Force FBI office in Springfield, Ill. The e-mail stated the following:

“I want to express my sincere thanks for (Ashley’s) work and the work of the Pierceton Police Department,” said Griffin. “I have been working on an investigation in which an individual was threatening others online and it was increasing in instability. I was having difficulty tracking down the individual due to the use of online aliases and the change in location. I contacted Officer Jones several times, and she did legwork in Indiana which helped identify victims as well as narrow subjects down to one individual. This individual was arrested (on May 24). Officer Jones was in constant contact during this investigation and was a true professional.”

“Your commitment to your job and professionalism in what you carry out is not only recognized locally, but is now being recognized by the FBI,” said Bumbaugh to Jones. “I commend you on your performance and extend my sincerest congratulations on a job well done.”

A press release on the Illinois arrest Jones assisted with can be read here.

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