Klingaman, Polston, Poort And Deuel File For Warsaw School Board Election

By Madison Hart

WARSAW — Mallika A. Klingaman, Randy Polston, Emerson Poort and Matt Deuel have filed for candidacy in the Warsaw Community School Board election.

The Warsaw Community School Board has three seats up for election this year: Districts 3, 4 and 6. Filing began Friday, May 24 and will run through noon, Thursday, June 20.

Mallika A. Klingaman, District 3

Mallika A. Klingaman is running for her first prospective term in District 3. Klingaman is the co-president of the Edgewood Middle School PTO and also serves on the board of the Jefferson Elementary PTO. She has volunteered as a reading assistant, lunch and recess assistant and assistant basketball coach at Jefferson Elementary.

When asked why she is running, Klingaman responded, “I’m invested in serving the community. Being involved in a volunteer capacity at the schools has given me insight into the function, strengths and needs of the school system. I see the importance of a school system in a community, and I want to serve in a capacity to perpetuate a thriving school system. I see good things coming together, and I want to serve the students.”

Klingman has a BA in environmental studies. She is on two nonprofit boards, Boomerang Backpacks and Lost Sparrows. Previously, she was on the board of Raise the Dough. She formerly worked at Manchester University. She has also volunteered with Junior Achievement.

Klingaman is married with three children in the Warsaw School District. Her husband, Jason, is also heavily involved in community service, and together they are active members and volunteers at Warsaw Community Church.

Recently, Klingaman participated in the Tiger Ambassador program to gain insight into school system finances, decision making processes and project development, which she stated will be useful if elected.

Randy Polston, District 4

Randy Polston, District 4 incumbent, has filed for his fourth and final term. Polston has served on the board for 12 years after retiring from a 34-year career in elementary school education. He was an elementary teacher for nine years and a principal for 25 years. Polston has also been a mentor at the Indiana New Administrator Leadership Institute, a program that focuses on mentoring principals around the state, for the past 10 years.

When asked why he is running, Polston responded, “The Lord has blessed me, and it’s time to give back.”

Polston added it was a difficult decision for him to retire, and he feels blessed he has been able to stay connected to the community and use his experience in his role on the school board.

Describing his decision-making process, Polston said, “It’s all about the kids. I try to exemplify putting the kids first. I have to do what’s best for them, and that’s what I did as a principal, too.”

Polston cited the leadership in the Warsaw Schools District as a primary reason for the success of the district. “David Hoffert and the board are solid leaders, working together and focused on the kids.”

Acknowledging his long career, Polston said, “I’m still going strong. If the Lord blesses me one more time, my gas tank is full.”

Matt Deuel, District 6

Incumbent Matt Deuel has filed for reelection in District 6. Deuel is the co-founder and executive producer at DreamOn Studios, providing video production communication and marketing services to companies and nonprofit organizations. He has worked in video production in various capacities for 29 years. Deuel said he loves helping people tell their stories.

Of his desire to run, Deuel said, “When I originally decided to run four years ago, I was looking for a way to give back to the community. When Jay Baumgartner decided to retire, I talked to him, Dr. Hoffert and Heather Reichenbach, the board president, about what the role requires. It felt like a good fit. Now, after four years, it’s something I can say I truly enjoy. I’m proud of our schools and our leadership. It’s one of best in state and maybe the country. Now, I want to make sure we keep that record of excellence going. I’m excited and hopeful for the opportunity to serve for another term.”

Deuel has personal experience with the difference a good school system makes. Before moving to Warsaw almost 10 years ago, Deuel lived with his family in Atlanta, where his wife homeschooled their three children. After moving to Warsaw, getting connected with the community, and learning about the school system, Deuel and his wife decided to enroll their oldest at Washington Elementary. Deuel was impressed, and soon his younger two children enrolled as well.

Through his experiences with his children in the Warsaw School District, and his wife’s experiences teaching supplemental art classes in the schools with her nonprofit Spoonful of Imagination, Deuel knew he wanted to get involved with supporting and advocating for teachers and students.

“I’ve been so pleased as the years go by to see how amazing Dr. Hoffert and administration does with a complicated job…I cant speak highly enough.”

Emerson Poort filed for District 4. Attempts to reach Poort were unsuccessful.

District 3 incumbent Elle Turley is not seeking reelection.

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