Syracuse Park Board Meets At Hoy’s Beach

Kip Schumm, Jeff Nicodemus and Paul Newcomer go over some business at the Syracuse park board meeting Monday, June 10. InkfreeNews photo by Phoebe Muthart.
Kip Schumm, Jeff Nicodemus and Paul Newcomer go over some business at the Syracuse Park Board meeting Monday, June 10. The meeting was held at Hoy’s Beach in Syracuse. InkFreeNews photo by Phoebe Muthart.
By Phoebe Muthart

SYRACUSE — Hoy’s Beach was the site of the monthly meeting of the Syracuse Parks and Recreation Board. The location is one of several the park board is meeting at this year. At the Monday, June 10, meeting, park board members discussed several projects.

Superintendent Chad Jonsson gave the tree board report. He said he is working on the fall tree planting and removal list. Trees at Hoy’s Beach and Lakeside Park are on the list.

Installing pickleball courts at Schrock Field was discussed. Jonsson said he, Program Director Darin Lursen and a community member met last Friday at the sports complex to discuss the plans for new courts. They looked at several potential spots the courts can be located at the ball field. Jonsson said the courts would not be located close to houses due to the noise level. Three courts are being proposed.

Jonsson gave the Henry Ward Park project update. He said the sidewalk was completed last Friday. All equipment has been installed, including the new playground.

The Laudeman Park project is coming along, reported Jonsson. A split-rail fence and rocks have been put in at the park. A butterfly garden is also being built at the park. A plaque for the park has been ordered. Locks on a timer have not been working properly but Jonsson said he is working on that issue.

A park board member asked about parking at the park. Jonsson said that would be an “extra cost” but they can discuss it at the July meeting.

A request for a alcohol to be served at the Tour des Lakes event was approved. A beer tent will be located at the community center after the bike ride. A liquor license was granted, which the Rotary Club requested.

So far, 200 people have signed up for the Saturday, July 20, bike ride. Lursen said as many as 400 people could possibly sign up to ride. Visit to register.

The artisan and farmers market opened four weeks ago, said Lursen, and 18 vendors, on average, have been selling their wares at the market, which is every Saturday.

Story time at the park is at 10 a.m. every Thursday. Eight people were at the last one. Children can also do crafts.

Euchre has been put on hold until August.

Mudtastic is Saturday, June 22, at WACF. So far, 151 people have signed up. Lursen said possibly 200 to 250 people may sign up by the day of the event.

Town-wide garage sales will be Aug. 1-3. People can sign up now and a list of garage sale locations will be supplied for shoppers. Call the Syracuse Community Center at (574) 457-3440 by 5 p.m. Thursday, July 25, to be added to the map.

Printed versions of the listing can be picked up at the Syracuse Community Center once the sales begin.

Jonsson gave the financial report for May and from May 13 to June 10. Park board members reviewed the report.

The 2025 budget was given to park board members to review.

The next meeting is at 5:30 p.m. Monday, July 8, at Laudeman Park.

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