Indiana Among States Added To Behavioral Health Program

News Release

WARSAW — Indiana was one of 10 states added to the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Medicaid Demonstration Program, according to a statement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on June 4.

The program provides states with funding that helps them expand access to mental health and substance use services. These clinics are required to directly provide or partner with another organization to provide nine types of services. Some of these services include offering 24-hour mobile crisis teams, emergency crisis intervention and outpatient mental health and substance use disorders treatment.

“The movement to CCBHC ensures that all patients across the state of Indiana will have someone to call, a place to go and someone to respond regardless of where they live,” said Shannon Hannon, Bowen Center chief operating officer. “There had been a long-standing gap in the service continuum between outpatient and inpatient services where patients needing something in between found themselves struggling to get the interventions and support they needed. Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics help fill a gap to ensure patients are receiving the appropriate level of services where and when they need them.”

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