World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Free Resource

Breaking the Silence, free guide.
News Release

WASHINGTON D.C. — In advance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day approaching this weekend, the National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation and NO MORE announce the release of a new educational resource titled “Breaking the Silence,” a comprehensive guide that takes a significant step towards tackling domestic violence, elder abuse and neglect among more vulnerable populations.

The guide provides insights into the prevalence and various forms of abuse. It offers steps for identifying signs of abuse, supports healthcare providers in screening and responding to suspected abuse and includes information on available resources for victims, caregivers and families.

Some of the key takeaways from the guide include:

  • Defining and identifying types of abuse
  • Recognizing signs of abuse
  • Advice on what medical/clinical professionals can do

Tom Koutsoumpas, NPHI CEO, emphasized the importance of this new resource in enhancing patient care: “This guide exemplifies NPHI’s dedication to delivering exceptional patient care. By equipping caregivers and medical professionals with the knowledge to identify and respond to signs of abuse, we are taking a significant step towards protecting our most vulnerable populations.”

The release of this resource, ahead of WEAAD Saturday, June 15, underscores the importance of this initiative. Recognized by the United Nations General Assembly, WEAAD is dedicated to voicing opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted on older generations, raising awareness and promoting a better understanding of the issues surrounding elder abuse.

“Addressing the intersection of domestic violence and elder abuse requires a multifaceted approach, as highlighted in this important resource. The alarming prevalence of these issues calls for increased awareness, better screening practices and stronger support networks. At NO MORE, we are committed to eradicating these forms of violence and abuse by educating communities, advocating for policy changes and supporting survivors. It’s time to take collective action to ensure that every individual can live free from fear and harm,” stated Pamela Zaballa, CEO of the NO MORE Foundation.

Under the leadership of Dr. Cameron Muir, Chief Innovation Officer at NPHI, and in collaboration with NO MORE, a global initiative dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault, this guide showcases NPHI’s commitment to patient care and support. NPHI is the leading advocate for not-for-profit advanced illness, hospice and palliative care providers. NO MORE’s expertise further enriches the resource, amplifying its impact and effectiveness in raising awareness and fostering needed change.

“Domestic violence remains a pervasive epidemic, affecting 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men, resulting in profound trauma for patients, families and staff alike. This invaluable resource will empower countless individuals to identify signs of abuse and take decisive action to ensure safety and provide much-needed support,” said Carole Fisher, NPHI President, who highlighted the alarming statistics and the impact of abuse, specifically domestic violence.

The new guide aims to address the “silent epidemic” of domestic violence and elder abuse, which often goes underreported, and educate on the importance of trauma-informed care, especially in end-of-life settings. The guide also emphasizes the importance of screening and education, particularly in populations with cognitive impairments such as dementia.

“By sharing these resources and raising awareness, we can work towards creating a safer and more compassionate world for all,” Tom Koutsoumpas concluded.

For more information about this resource, visit the website.

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