Elsea has an active history with Fulton County Council on Aging

By Laurie Lechlitner
Mona Elsea

ROCHESTER — “I have a history with Fulton County Council on Aging,” stated Mona Elsea, Rochester. “I first came onboard as the activity director for a year. Then I was in charge of RSVP for seven years, then left the organization.

“I lost my husband Darrell in May of 2023. This past February, I decided I needed something to do to get me out of the house during the day, so I volunteered, answering phones at FCCOA. Lisa Byers, the activity supervisor, asked for my help with activities. I was glad to pitch in and do some of the work I did when I first started out in FCCOA.”

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, Elsea is popping corn for BINGO. The seniors also love chair volleyball. “We have exercise classes. And I come up with something that’s new and interesting. We’re going to try ‘make it and taste it.’ I’ll make something new from home and bring it in for all of us to sample.”

Elsea also plans day trips for the seniors. Everyone loves outings. “In May we visited Kokomo Glass Factory. This month we’re scheduled to visit Cook’s Bison Ranch. And in July, we’re going to South Bend Chocolate Factory. Our trips always fill up quickly.”

FCCOA is celebrating its 50th anniversary this month. And plenty of work went into planning and executing it. “I helped where needed,” Elsea said. “For example, I visited local merchants for door prize donations. We all worked together to make the celebration a success.”

Elsea has been part of Fulton County Choral Club for 28 years. “Joyce Jones, our director, was also my church choir director. She asked me if I wanted to join the Choral Club and I did. I love singing. We go to nursing homes and are available for any other organization that invites us. We don’t charge. However, sometimes organizations do give us an offering for our group. We sing pop music, oldies, Gospel and show tunes. I love it all. Every other year we have a concert for the community. We’ll have our next concert in 2025.”

Being a widow has been very hard for Elsea. “Many widows, including myself, start out in shock, sobbing behind closed doors. But once my brain began to work again, I became proactive. I jumped back into life and remain busy. A lady from church and I cleaned a gentleman’s house. I volunteered to answer the phone at FCCOA. Of course, singing in choir is very therapeutic.”

Elsea is quite active in Fulton Community Church. “I’m treasurer of the Ladies Aid Society. And I attend women’s Bible study each Wednesday night.”

She has two grown sons: Darrell and Michael. “I also have one granddaughter Amanda who lives in Ohio.

Her hobbies include sewing, playing golf and fishing. “I’m also somewhat of an exercise enthusiast,” Elsea added.

Elsea knows how important extended family is. “Sometimes our seniors at FCCOA just need someone to talk to. They’ll come to our dining room for lunch and find good fellowship. We are a happy family there. We care about one another.

“I believe we are put on earth for a purpose. That purpose is to help other people and do good things.”

Elsea welcomes people of all ages to FCCOA. “We’ll show you around and you can get involved,” she concluded.

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