Communitywide Game Of Tag To Fund Baker Youth Club Playground

Shown are renderings of the playground Baker Youth Club hopes to raise money to complete before school starts later this summer. Images provided.
News Release

WARSAW — This summer, Kosciusko County residents can bring a piece of childhood joy back to the community with the launch of Baker Youth Club’s fundraiser called “Tag You’re It.”

The campaign combines the classic game of tag with modern technology, creating a way for people to support the construction of Baker Youth Club’s new playground.

Here’s The Game

1. The game starts when you might find a “Tag You’re It” sign in your yard.

2. To get the “Tag You’re It” sign out of your yard, you can simply make a donation to Baker Youth Club in any amount.

3. After a donation is received, Baker Youth Club volunteers will replace the sign in your yard with a “No Tag Backs” sign. The “No Tag Backs” sign features a QR code that people can scan with their smartphone to learn more details about the campaign.

4. Donors then take the “Tag You’re It” sign and place it in someone else’s yard, keeping the game going all summer long.

5. Even if a “Tag You’re It” sign doesn’t show up in your yard, you can still play by making a donation online at; a volunteer will then put a “No Tag Backs” sign in your yard.

The new playground Baker Youth Club wants to build will be on the site of the former back parking lot of the property, transforming the area into a place for children to play. To finish the playground before school starts, Baker Youth Club hopes to raise $50,000.

Tracy Furnivall, executive director of Baker Youth Club, said he is “excited to see the playground finally come to fruition. Since moving to our current facility, we dreamed of having an outdoor play area to help our members grow socially and physically,” according to a news release from Baker Youth Club.

Brynlee, a member of Baker Youth Club, said she’s most looking forward to “being outside with her friends on the monkey bars,” according to the release.

Baker Youth Club is a nonprofit organization committed to offering a safe environment where young people can grow, learn and have fun. The agency strives to provide quality supervision for young people in Kosciusko County and emphasizes developing education, health, physical fitness, social and necessary life skills. The facility is located at 1401 E. Smith St., Warsaw.

For more information about the “Tag You’re It” campaign and how to get involved, visit or contact Tamara Drake by phone at (574) 267-8771 or by email at [email protected].


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