Manchester University Offers Master Of Business Administration

News Release

NORTH MANCHESTER — Manchester University is now offering an accelerated 12-month Master of Business Administration program for those looking to elevate their career trajectory.

Designed for those who hold a bachelor’s degree or are completing one, Manchester’s MBA program offers three specialized tracks: management, accounting and pharmacy. The management and pharmacy tracks are conducted entirely online. The program is available to all majors and can be completed in 30 credit hours without any prerequisite courses.

For students in Manchester’s Doctor of Pharmacy program, the MBA can be added as a dual degree, making it possible to earn both degrees in four years.

Undergraduate students can plan for an MBA early by considering a 3+1 or 4+1 option. The 3+1 option allows students to take master’s-level coursework while still completing their undergraduate studies, providing the opportunity for students to earn their undergraduate and master’s degrees at the same time and for the same price.

The 4+1 option allows for a more gradual pace to concentrate on undergraduate studies during their first four years before transitioning to the MBA program in their fifth year.

For those who have already earned a bachelor’s degree, the program can be completed in 12 months as a full-time student or scaled to the time frame that works best for one’s schedule as a part-time student.

“An MBA from Manchester will set students apart from those graduating from other programs,” said Heather Twomey, professor and dean of the Gilbert College of Business. “At MU, students will master the skills needed to be strategic decision makers, learning to use data to drive strategic choices; demonstrate the ability to effectively lead a diverse workforce, expanding their understanding of others’ responses to various leadership styles; and refine their professional values, modeling what it means to live with integrity.”

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