Adamson Wins Fulton County Auditor GOP Race By 8 Votes; Baldwin, Fishburn, Geier Take GOP Fulton County At-Large Council Spots

By Leah Sander

ROCHESTER — Eight Fulton County voters have helped pick the Republican running for county auditor in the fall.

Current Fulton County Treasurer Kathy (Easterday) Adamson beat current Fulton County Councilwoman Lorie Hurst by that mere number of votes in Tuesday, May 7’s primary race. Adamson got 1,069 votes to Hurst’s 1,061.

In the county’s council at-large race, newcomers Barry Baldwin and Patty Geier will join incumbent Steve Fishburn in taking the three Republican spots on the November ballot.

Baldwin got the most votes, 1,381, with Fishburn getting 1,326 and Geier 1,161. Also running was Matthew Finke, who received 1,044 votes.

Adamson noted on Wednesday, May 8, that “It feels great to win.”

She added she knew the auditor’s race “would be close.”

Adamson said she has a number of goals for the auditor’s office if she ultimately takes the role, but wants to wait to see if she either wins or has no challenger for the regular fall election to share them.

She thanked voters “for their support.”

“It means the world,” said Adamson.

Baldwin said Wednesday he was “very excited” about winning.

“It’s a good opportunity to give something back,” he said of potentially serving on the council if he won also in the fall. “I’m looking forward to getting started.”

Fishburn said Wednesday he was grateful for “everybody’s support.”

“Our biggest priority is getting a countywide ambulance service,” he said of a current goal for county council.

Geier said Wednesday “It feels good” to win.

“Thank you to everyone who supported me,” she said. “I’m just excited for the fall and excited to (potentially) get in.”

Other Races, Results

In a smaller contested race Tuesday, Megihann Leininger won over Monica Clennon for the Newcastle area Republican precinct committeeman, by 105 votes to Clennon’s 44.

Winners of the Republican state delegate at-large race were Christopher Sailors, with 1,266 votes; David Sommers, with 1,049; Mike Canada, with 1,018; John Geier, with 991; Amy Roe, with 989; Gail Karas, with 968; and Kasey Hensley, with 945.

The overall turnout for registered voters Tuesday was 19.09%.

Full primary results for the county are below.

Republican Presidential Nominee

Nikki Haley, 478, 22.06%

Donald Trump, 1,689, 77.94%

Democratic Presidential Nominee

Joe Biden, 216, 100%

US Senator, Republican Nominee

Jim Banks, 1,911, 100%

US Senator, Democratic Nominee

Marc Carmichael, 75, 33.04%

Valerie McCray, 152, 66.96%

Governor, Republican Nominee

Mike Braun, 925, 42.10%

Brad Chambers, 400, 18.21%

Suzanne Crouch, 466, 21.21%

Eric Doden, 202, 9.19%

Curtis Hill, 96, 4.37%

Jamie Reitenour, 108, 4.92%

Governor, Democratic Nominee

Jennifer McCormick, 223, 100%

US 2nd District Representative, Republican Nominee

Rudy Yakym, 1,944, 100%

US 2nd District Representative, Democratic Nominee

Lori Camp, 224, 100%

State Senator District 18, Republican Nominee

Stacey Donato, 1,932, 100%

State Representative District 17, Republican Nominee

Jack Jordan, 1,890, 100%

Fulton Superior Court Judge, Republican Nominee

Gregory Heller, 1,999, 100%

Fulton County Auditor, Republican Nominee

Kathy (Easterday) Adamson, 1,069, 50.19%

Lorie Hurst, 1,061, 49.81%

Fulton County Treasurer, Republican Nominee

Jennifer Utter, 1,964 100%

Fulton County Coroner, Republican Nominee

Jon Good, 1,986, 100%

Fulton County Commissioner District 1, Republican Nominee

David Sommers, 1,851, 100%

Fulton County Commissioner District 3, Republican Nominee

Rick Ranstead, 1,862, 100%

Fulton County Council, At-Large, Republican Nominees, 3 Seats

Barry Baldwin, 1,381, 28.11%

Matthew Finke, 1,044, 21.25%

Steve Fishburn, 1,326, 27%

Patty Geier, 1,161, 23.64%

Republican Precinct Committeeman (Newcastle area)

Monica Clennon, 44, 29.53%

Megihann Leininger, 105, 70.47%

Republican State Convention Delegates, At-Large, 7 Spots

Mike Canada, 1,018, 9.43%

LeeAnn Eizinger, 944, 8.75%

Brian Fitzwater, 856, 7.93%

John Geier, 991, 9.18%

Kasey Hensley, 945, 8.76%

Gail Karas, 968, 8.97%

Carrie Ranstead, 882, 8.17%

Richard Ranstead, 885, 8.20%

Amy Roe, 989, 9.16%

Christopher Sailors, 1,266, 11.73%

David Sommers, 1,049, 9.72%

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