Man portrays Jesus in passion play and gets firsthand view of Savior’s suffering

Scott Gingerich, Milford, portrays Jesus in “The Passion,” a play that was held at Quaker Haven on Dewart Lake this past Easter season. Historically, the Romans were responsible for giving Christ a death sentence and the play portrays that very well. But between scenes, the actors are the very closest friends. Photo provided by Scott Gingerich.
By Laurie Lechlitner

MILFORD — “Growing up my family was involved in the passion play from when I was 5 till about 10,” stated Scott Gingerich, Milford.

“My whole family took part. When I became an adult, I jumped on the opportunity to get my wife and kids involved. For three years, I portrayed Simon of Cyrene, carrying Jesus’ cross for him when he became too physically weak to shoulder it. This past year I was Jesus. It gave me a firsthand view of the suffering He underwent for our sins.”

Gingerich’s wife Zoey and the kids were townspeople in the play titled “The Passion” put on by 3:16 Community Theatre. The event was held at Quaker Haven on Dewart Lake. “Being involved in the play helps bring the Bible to life,” Gingerich remarked.

“My kids have a much deeper understanding of Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection. Now when we have family devotions and read the Gospels, the kids will say, ‘I remember that from the passion play.’ ”

Rehearsals for the play began the third week in January. “We met every Monday night. It’s great when entire families take part. As we work together, we become one big, extended family. We build our own small community.”

Since this is a musical production, when the rehearsals first begin, actors will run through the songs and a portion of the play. “This is the first year that I had solo work to do. I love music but singing in front of people was somewhat intimidating.”

Of course there are the lighter sides to rehearsals. “When the children ran forward one evening singing ‘Hosanna!’ the Roman soldiers decided to get in on the fun. So, these otherwise stoic men skipped forward in their Roman uniforms and helmets and joined in the celebration. Of course, that certainly is not part of the script.” Gingerich chuckled.

Identifying with Christ in his suffering gave Gingerich a deeper religious perception. “I experienced a small bit of what it was like to be rejected by those I loved deeply when they exclaimed, ‘Crucify him!’ When I was flogged the cloth whip was soaked in fake blood that left marks and a few welts. I can’t imagine being worked over by a cruel soldier with a lacerating whip.”

Gingerich is not only an actor but part of the board of directors of 3:16 Community Theatre. “There’s a lot of planning that goes on before a production. We also have a Christmas program that was put on last year at the Goshen Theater. We are still finalizing our Christmas production for this year and are also in the process of finding a new location for our Easter production.”

They’ve had the Easter production at Quaker Haven for the last 15 years. Each year the board of 3:16 works to add to their productions. “In 2023 we received donations for new lighting which made a world of difference.”

The Gingeriches have four kids: Ethan, 10; Emma, 9; Savannah, 8; and John 6. The kids are home schooled. They are also involved in dance, basketball, soccer and football. Zoey enjoys teaching their kids and also runs a business doing face painting. Scott has enjoyed doing triathlons and looking forward to doing some more this summer.

“Being involved in 3:16 gives whole families the opportunity to participate in something together,” Gingerich concluded. Those wanting more information can email: scott@the

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