Turn Around Achievement Award Recipients Honored At Wawasee School Board Meeting

Winners of the Turn Around Achievement Award were honored at the regular monthly Wawasee School board meeting held Tuesday, May 14. Pictured in front row from left is Jackson Meck, Brooke Catron, Mathias Gibson, Fabian Sanchez and Dr. Steve Troyer. In back row from left is Don Bokhart, Steve Baut, Mike Wilson and Andy Cripe. Not pictured is Syracuse Elementary winner Olivia Haradon.
Text and Photos
By Marissa Sweatland

SYRACUSE — During the regular monthly Wawasee School board meeting, held Tuesday, May 14, school administrators awarded some students with their Turn Around Achievement Awards. The Turn Around Achievement Award recognizes one student from each school in fifth, eighth and twelfth grade, who has made positive choices about his or her educational future. The schools’ principal and staff members select the deserving student. The turnaround can occur in behavior, attitude, attendance or academics. After the winners were presented a certificate and a gift card to Joe’s Ice Cream, the winners went down the line and shook each board member’s hand and received more congratulations.

Milford Elementary School: Fabian Sanchez

Fabian Sanchez shakes Dr. Steve Troyer’s hand.

“I would like to introduce Fabian Sanchez. He has done a great job this year. When I first took over, he has been in the building I have been in, and not only has he grown academically, but he also tries hard and does his best communicating what he is feeling and what he thinks on things. It has been really cool to see his teachers, supporters and his family is here as well. We just wanted to say one of the biggest things we love about Fabian is when he smiles, it lights up a room! When I presented the award in class, he had the biggest smile on his face and all his classmates were so excited for him,” Principal Michael Casey illustrated.

Jackson Meck shakes Dr. Shelly Wilfong’s hand.

North Webster Elementary School: Jackson Meck

“It is an honor to introduce this gentleman, Jackson Meck, as the Turn Around recipient for North Webster Elementary School. It was not so many years ago that Jackson had found school to be overwhelming at times and being at school was hard. Now, he is in fifth grade and he is such a big contributor in class. He is very knowledgeable, he is very interested in sharing what he knows and he is actively participating. Not only is he an academic contributor in class, but he is also such a caring and empathetic member of his classroom. He is always caring about other students, wanting them to be successful and caring for them when they are having a problem. Mr. Jackson has come such a long way in the time that I have known him and I am just so proud of you!” Principal Lee Snider proclaimed.

Syracuse Elementary School: Olivia Haradon

“I am honored to be here. I have looked for our recipient, we phoned home today but unfortunately it appears she could not attend tonight. She does like to fly under the radar. Olivia Haradon has absolutely blossomed this year into an above average student. She is very talented and personable. She is very good at playing recess. We couldn’t be more proud of her at Syracuse Elementary. I will be sure to pass on your good regards,” Dr. Tom Edington, former superintendent of Wawasee Schools and current interim principal explained.

Wawasee Middle School: Mathias Gibson

Mathias Gibson shakes Dr. Steve Troyer’s hand.

“It is my pleasure to introduce our Turn Award winner, Mathias Gibson. Mathias came to us in the sixth grade from North Webster. I would say, the first year or year and a half, Mathias struggled a little bit with relationships with other students and sometimes relationships with teachers. He did not always want to be in school. I would say it’s probably not his favorite place to be and I’m sure it’s still not his favorite place to be. But, he has come such a long way since the time he entered middle school and where he is now. I had multiple, multiple teachers that have commented on him throughout the year. They’re saying, ‘who is this Mathias Gibson?’, ‘where is the kid we saw in sixth grade?’ He is working hard. He is treating other people with respect. He is doing all the things he needs to be doing. I had a teacher comment just the other day how he is stepping up to the plate in class and helping other students, even when he’s not asked to do so. I look forward to see what you do at the high school. I know you are going to continue down this path and be super successful,” Principal Brent Berkeypile remarked.

Brooke Catron shakes Dr. Steve Troyer’s hand.

Wawasee High School: Brooke Catron

“Typically when I stand before you this time of year, I am talking about a student who for the first couple years were in and out of discipline or wasn’t earning credits early on due to maybe poor choices or behaviors. But, this year is a completely different story. For that reason, I have asked Mrs. Puckett to be here,” Principal Geoff Walmer mentioned.

“I met Brooke freshman year and she started freshman year very different than most freshman students. She was pregnant with her son, Levi. My first interaction with Brooke was with her and her dad, talking about how she was going to be successful at school and what that was going to look like. Freshman year was very challenging. She took off as one of our first virtual students. After she had Levi, she went virtual for a semester but still a lot challenges with being a new mom. I remember a lot of conversations about being up all night, teething babies, sick babies but she still showed up for class in the morning. Things were coming together for Brooke. But then, the biggest support system for Brooke, her father, passed away her sophomore year. But Brooke is an amazing person, she continued on. She has been a two sport athlete, wrestling and softball, all throughout her high school career. This year she has been amazing, all A’s and one B+ right now. She completely turned around grades and has been such an outstanding person. She passed her CNA and going to be a nurse so she is continuing on in college. She has overcome so much through high school and has been an outstanding person to know. Congratulations!” Rebecca Puckett, guidance counselor, marveled.

“This is my favorite meeting of the year because of this award,” Don Bokhart, board president, beamed.

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