Oakwood Fine Art Show Boasts 37 Artists

Evie Sinks, left, checks out Lazy Bird Fiber Crafts boot at the Oakwood Art Show with her mom, Lesley Sinks and sister Ashlee. Kids of all ages were drawn to artist Lenah Beck’s critter creations. Photo by Lauren Zeugner.


By Lauren Zeugner

SYRACUSE — With cooler temps today, Saturday, May 25, this year’s Oakwood Fine Arts Show, sponsored by Chautauqua-Wawasee, boasts the artwork of 37 local, regional and national artists. The show is taking place until 4 p.m. Admission to the show is free.

Along with a wide variety of art, from painting, printing, ceramics, jewelry and more, there is a kids creation space where kids of all ages can make a dream catcher, a bracelet or just color. There is also live music and food trucks offering a nice selection of treats.

Be sure to wander over to the lawn of the Oakwood Resort Inn and by the Oakwood Chapel as several plein air artists have set up their easels as part of the Northern Indiana Plein Air Artists Chautauqua-Wawasee Paint Out. Some of the paintings from these artists will be available for sale later today and there will be a judging and awards presented at 4:30 p.m. today.

So take some time to wander under the oaks at Oakwood and enjoy the art.

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