Sexton Updates Board On Work At Oakwood Cemetery

Pictured from left are Oakwood Cemetery Board of Regents member Ellen Hoffer, sexton Hal Heagy, and board members Ken Locke, Max Mock and Dave Baumgartner. Photo by Jackie Gorski, Times-Union.
By Jackie Gorski

WARSAW — Sexton Hal Heagy updated the Oakwood Cemetery Board of Regents Thursday, June 6, on work being done at the cemetery.

Work on the front entrance of the cemetery started Monday.

Heagy said the bushes in front of the gate were taken out. Of the 18 bushes, one was lost. The 17 remaining bushes will be put near the hill by the cemetery shop. He said it will make the area more pleasant for people.

The front area will have planters and pavers and will require less maintenance by staff.

The installation of new flooring in the chapel was completed May 30. Heagy said cost was $13,000. Some termite damage was found and fixed and there are no termites.

Heagy said he has not dug a hole yet to test water retention for a water garden at the cemetery.

Later in the meeting, Board President Ken Locke talked about the Memorial Day service at the cemetery.

Locke said someone mentioned the cemetery looked awesome. He thanked Heagy and the cemetery staff.
From the service program standpoint, the Preacher’s Stand looks amazing and works out well to have seats up close to the Preacher’s Stand, he said. The one thing people told Locke was the addition of the bell into the ceremony “makes all the difference in the world.” He thinks they have a really good set-up for future ceremonies and other events.

In other business, the board heard:

  • The first draft of the 2025 budget is due June 28 and then Heagy will bring the budget to the board.
  • Cemetery staff are still working on putting flag holes in foundations for veterans.
  • Locke said Thursday was the 80th anniversary of D-Day. He said it was a good and sad day.

The next meeting will be at 5 p.m. July 11.

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