Complaints About Chickens, Barking Dogs In Leesburg Addressed At June Meeting

From left, Leesburg Councilman Tom Moore and Council President Mitch Rader at Monday night’s meeting. InkFreeNews photo by Lasca Randels
By Lasca Randels

LEESBURG — There have been multiple complaints about barking dogs on East Prairie Street, Street Commissioner Craig Charlton announced at the Leesburg Town Council meeting Monday, June 10.

Charlton said the homeowner has been made aware of the complaints, but the barking has continued. 

The dogs are confined outside, Charlton said. 

“I wish more people understood the rules regarding their pets,” Councilman Tom Moore said. “I’m not trying to be flippant. You can have the dog outside as long as it has shelter. There’s nothing wrong with having a dog outside — it can be in a pen or it can be chained up — but what it can’t do is bark … because it’s a nuisance.”

Council agreed it is time to move forward with the fine process in this situation. 

In addition, a resident attended the meeting to voice a complaint about livestock in town, namely chickens. 


(A)   It shall be unlawful to have or keep any goats, sheep, swine or pigs, horses, mules, ponies, cattle, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas or other farm animals or fowl within 200 feet of any residence, other than the residence of the person so keeping or having these animals.

(B)   No person shall cause or allow any stable or place where any animal or fowl is or may be kept to become unsanitary.

Council asked the town attorney, Nick Jacobs, to draft a letter that will be sent to residents in violation of this ordinance. 

In another matter, Moore said he has been in communication with a USIC representative regarding ongoing locate issues. Leesburg Clerk-Treasurer Mike Searfoss sent a copy of the town’s sewer system to USIC after the company suggested this may be part of the problem. In addition, tracer wires are being added to the control boxes, as USIC does not have keys for those. Derek Tenney of Tenney & Sons said this process has already been started. 

In other news:

  • Town cleanup dates are June 21 & 22. 
  • Council approved a two-year extension contract with Waste Management for trash pickup services. 
  • Leesburg Council will hold a budget workshop at 6:30 p.m. June 17.
  • Micro-sealing project bid was awarded to Pavement Solutions. Three other bid requests were sent out but no other bids were received. The town received a grant to cover a portion of the project. 
  • The town received notice that the state will be making ADA curb ramp improvements on SR 15 in 2025.
  • Reminders: no parking on any street between 3-5 a.m. daily; no burning is allowed in town.
  • The next regular meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. July 8.

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