Silver Lake Alumni Honor Wood Carver Merl Montel

The Silver Lake School alumni recently honored Merl Montel, Class of 1957, for wood carvings he made of the Silver Lake School and a “Rambler” car. Pictured from left are alumni members Carolyn Davis-Montel, secretary/treasurer, Merl Montel and Larry Puls, president. Photos provided.
News Release

SILVER LAKE — During a banquet Saturday, June 8, for Silver Lake School alumni, an alum was honored for his wood-carving art.

Merl Montel, Class of 1957, was honored for both a wooden “Rambler” car he made in 2023 and a wooden carving of the Silver Lake School he made in 2024.

Both the “Rambler” car and the school plaque will be on display at all future alumni events.

Shown is a collection of pictures that show details of wood carvings made by Merl Montel of a “Rambler” car and the Silver Lake School.

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