Glenn Hall Praised for Hospice Impact At Retirement Party

Glenn Hall, left, and Leslie Friedel, CEO, at Hall’s retirement celebration.
Text and Photos
By Madison Hart
InkFree News

WARSAW — According to Glenn Hall, “Home is not just the place, it’s the people,” and the people at Hall’s retirement party had nothing but praise for the environment Hall fostered in his work with Stillwater Hospice.

Hall celebrated his retirement from his role as Kosciusko Community Outreach Director of Stillwater Hospice and former CEO of Kosciusko Home Care and Hospice on Thursday, June 20. Hall joined Kosciusko Home Care and Hospice in 2017, serving as both executive director and administrator of the non-profit hospice agency founded in 1976 in Warsaw. In 2023, Kosciusko Home Care and Hospice merged with Stillwater Hospice.

“Having him be part of that relationship we built and shepherding us to the new phase with Kosciusko County has been incredible,” said Stillwater Hospice CEO Leslie Friedel. “He was instrumental in bringing together Kosciusko Home Care and Hospice and Stillwater Hospice to create an ongoing legacy for his own time here and for the organization to continue serving the community.”

Hall’s ability to create strong relationships was noted by several party attendees. Terri Souers, hospital liaison said Hall was known for his contagious smile and will be missed. Todd Davis, who was part of the search committee who recommended Hall as director of Kosciusko Home Care and Hospice, stated staff turnover significantly reduced due to the environment Hall created and patient care also improved. Stacey Leek, who worked with Hall as an administrative assistant and office manager at Kosciusko Home Care and Hospice before becoming a care consultant at Stillwater said, “He’s been a dream to work for. He’s been a great mentor.”

Partygoers also noted Hall’s work ethic.

“He’s a man who owns what he’s responsible for,” said Davis. “He has a high attention to detail but is a people-person at the same time … and back to ownership, he wasn’t going to leave this job until he found somebody or some organization that could take it and continue to grow it. We were blessed to find Stillwater. He now feels very comfortable moving on. But also know that if they call him, he’ll answer the phone.”

Leek also noted Hall delayed his retirement to ensure a successful merge with Stillwater. “He wanted to be sure hospice in our community would be vital and take care of patients locally … and ensure he was leaving it in good hands and (hospice) would be here another 136 years.”

Hall’s family was there to support him, too. Mary Hall, Glenn’s mother, stated, “There’s just been something about him all of his life. He draws people in, and he’s a good person.” Hall’s sister, Vickie Ulrey, added, “Everything he does, he does gung-ho and he does with pride. He doesn’t do anything half-hearted. He goes above and beyond.”

“We’re proud of him. Very proud of him,” Mary Hall and Ulrey concluded.

Hall said, “It’s a little surreal … I don’t feel old. I feel very young at heart … but it’s time for me to move on while my health is good and I still have time with my children and grandchildren. I’ve had a wonderful career. I’ve been blessed beyond measure.”


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